Welcome to Charlie and his thoughts, a community where you can share your opinion and ideas freely about anything. Just write them, no one is going to judge you (Well some people will, but who gives a cr*p about them?)
Hello I'm Charlie, I'm a 21 years old blogger and currently majoring in Information and Communication technology (Not as cool as it sounds), from Beirut, Lebanon, an awesome country with a little bit f*cked up people, but I manage to survive.
I'm a movie, series, music, books, and sports maniac. And I'm just trying to live my life to the fullest and help you guys by sharing my knowledge along the way.
Why did I make Charlie and his thoughts ?
I believe that I have a lot of things to say, and over those few years I have acquired a considerable amount of knowledge from reading (I love reading). But I've realized that I can help only few people, and that's why I have created this blog, so I can share my ideas and thoughts with you and maybe gain some more knowledge and experience from you too.
What's the ultimate goal behind this blog ?
I wish to create a community where everyone can say whatever he/she wants. Honestly guys I don't care about where do you come from, your religion or anything that people judge from nowadays. I only care about what you have to say.
What do you gain from all of this ?
Like I said earlier, the goal is to create a community. I will share with you everything I know, and you will share too. You can ask whatever you want, and your questions will be answered. And all of this is for free. I won't be asking you to pay for something or to buy something from me. If I'm going to make some e-book or something similar it will be for free, because knowledge should be free.